Medicare Benefits for Basic Child Dental Services
And Wisdom Teeth Removal

We all know that the dentist can be expensive but it does not mean you close your eyes when your child needs quality dental care. Thanks to Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) funded by Commonwealth Government. This program can help you ensure your children get quality dental care when they need it.
At Holistic Dental, we will bulk bill for the dental treatments for eligible children under this Medicare child dental health program. That mean if your teenager is eligible, you will not have to pay for dental care.
The Child benefit dental schedule provides up to $1000 benefits per child for basic dental services over two consecutive calendar years. This is an affordable plan for eligible families to keep your child’s teeth in good health. It replaced the Medicare Teen Dental Plan (MTDP).
Child Dental Benefits Schedule Eligibility:
- Age between 2-17 on any day in the Calendar year
- Family have receipt of Family Tax Benefit Part A (FTB-A) or a relevant Australian Government payments
Child Dental Benefits Schedule Covers Below Dental Services:
- Basic examinations
- X-rays
- Teeth cleaning
- Fillings
- Extractions
- Fissure seals
- Partial dentures
- Root canal treatment
- Wisdom teeth removal
This program does not cover high-end dental services like Orthodontics or Cosmetic Dentistry.
We can Bulk Bill wisdom teeth removal under this scheme.
How you know if your child/children are eligible for this program?
For confirming your child’s eligibility and balance amount, access your Medicare online account at otherwise call to the Medicare general inquiries line on 132 011. Upon confirmation, you will receive a letter from Medicare about Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
Before providing any service, our dentist will discuss and obtain consent from the parent/guardian to the basic dental services needed and the treatment costs. For the bulk billed services, the relevant patient consent form and bulk billing patient consent form is essential on the first visit in each calendar year.
In case of getting services from bulk billing dentist, you do not need to submit a claim. Otherwise you will need to pay the account and claim your benefit.
We will be happy to serve you at Holistic Dental.